Age Related Loss of Pulmonary Function
Aging Linked to Social Status (2006)
Aging Resting Metabolic Rates and Oxidative Damage
An Aging Workforce and Accesible Technology
Anger Induced Heart Wave Changes Predict Future Arrythmias
Another Warning of a Retiring Workforce
Beta Amyloid Induced Learning and Memory Deficits (in mice)
Bone Finding may Point to Hope for Osteoporosis
Brain Training Claims Dismissed
But What if I Live?
Carotenoids May Imporve Brain Function in Elderly
Centenarians Depression Prone
CBT Helps Older Adults Reduce Worryin, Improve Mental Health
Dangerous Durg Combos Pose Risk for Elderly
Does Childhood Personality Predict Longevity?
Effectiveness of Pneumococcal Vaccine in Older Adults
Elderly Need More Sun Vitamin
Enhance Your Life as You Age
Exodus of Critical Talent Threatens US Companies
Fact Sheet on Older Americans
Gender Retirement
Half a Glass of Wine may Boost Life Expectancy by Five Years
Has the Trend Toward Early Retirement Reversed?
Healthy Wieght Link to Longevity
How Srong is your Grip
Investment Changes Dramatically over the Years
C-Reactive Protein May Reflect Aging
Link Between IQ and Risk of Death
Many Depressed Older Adults Lack Vitamin D
National Summit on Retirement Savings
Negative Views of Older People May be Bad for Your health
No Link Between Cognitive Decline and Socioeconomic Status in Elderly (2009)
Employed Persons by Occupation, Sex, and Age
Personality and Mortality Risk Across the life Span
Preparing for Baby Boomer Retirement
Prevention May Not Help Elderly (some drug therapies simply change the cause of death)
Red Yeast Rice Ameliorates Impairment of Memory adn Learning Ability (a study in rats)
A Retirement System in Transition
Resveratrol May Reduce Oxidative Damage and Increase Longevity
Small vs Large Company Retirement Survey Results (2006)
Sociodemographic and Psychosocial Factors in Childhood as Predictors of Adult Mortality
Researchers Find Sustained Improvement in Health in Experience Corp Tutors Over 55
The Age Wave: America's Retiring Workforce
The New Workforce Age and Ethnicity
Tipping the Balance Toward Longevity
Vitamin D Deficiency is Associated With Low Mood
Young Peoples Views of Aging Can Predict Their Future Heart Problems in Old Age