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Twitter is probably the largest collection of intelligence, drive, and ambition mankind has ever seen, all reachable from a single point.

I truly believe we all hunger for an opportunity to make a significant contribution while we are here. What we have lacked is the platform or access to a “global” community where our ideas and dreams may be heard.

Twitter can be both; the global community AND the access. What an incredible opportunity it represents to learn, to share, and to build.

Why am I doing this? I believe in the goodness of mankind. I believe mankind has an incredible potential and creative genius that isn’t being realized.

After studying “successful” people for a number of years I realized they, we, all have some every important things in common. We all use the same thinking techniques while we are being successful. Successful people, and that includes the majority of us all, for the most part are mentally healthy. Some are really “unique”, but “unique” is OK. We can get through a day with a modicum of grace, have relationships, and raise children who can do the same.

One of the most important thinking techniques we use while we are being successful is that we are thinking in a way that doesn’t generate negative emotions. The ability to keep our negative emotions in perspective is the most important aspect of mental health. Negative emotions are the cause of almost all mental illness and at least 60% of all physical illness.

I truly believe we can eliminate 90% of mental illness in a generation. That’s my goal, and that’s why I created this "Twitter Pledge." It is really simple.

“Today, maybe only once, but today, I vow to share my knowledge, energy, and time, in service to mankind.”

Let me know you have taken "The Pledge" and I will send you a free e-copy of my book, Mental Mechanics: A Repair Manual. The least I can do is be true to my vow.

I Took The Pledge

Sincere Thanks to all of you who take the “Twitter Pledge.” The world will be a better place because of you.

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